By Unknown 18.9.15 31DC2015 blue deborah lippmann green half moon jinsoon lvx nail vinyls pink stripes Electric Carnival Half Moons Half moon day! I love half moons and every year during the challenge, I say that I'm going to wear them more often and then I never do. ...
By Unknown 16.9.15 31DC2015 deborah lippmann freehand geometric gradient grey nail art purple red Flower of Life Sacred Geometry Nail Art Today's challenge prompt is geometric. I wanted to attempt some sacred geometry, and a quick Google search revealed that I would probabl...
By Unknown 10.1.15 black deborah lippmann decals glitter gold nicole by opi nude water decals wrapartist WrapArtist Nail Decals Make Cool Girl Nails Easy Nail decals aren't a new thing, but when I first saw them, WrapArtist's water decals immediately stood out to me. The designs are a...
By Unknown 1.12.14 deborah lippmann foil glitter gold metallic red shimmer Deborah Lippmann Celebration Nail Lacquer Trio Swatches and Review Deborah Lippmann has been a busy gal this holiday season! There are lots of great mini lacquer sets available from the brand right now, and ...
By Unknown 22.10.14 black deborah lippmann favorite floral formula x for sephora freehand green grey halloween lvx nail art orly Black Blooms Floral Nail Art Though this design isn't explicitly Halloween, it is pretty morbid/somber and definitely seasonally appropriate. These black roses are a...
By Unknown 6.10.14 blue deborah lippmann freehand gold herringbone metallic nail art purple Metallic Herringbone Nail Art Here's a pattern I haven't tried before: herringbone! I gave it a go with some metallic shades for a look that feels very "Gats...
By Unknown 23.9.14 31DC2014 black china glaze deborah lippmann essie favorite fishtail floral formula x for sephora freehand gold metallic misa movie nail art pop culture Anna Inspired Frozen Nail Art It's "inspired by a movie" day in the 31 Day Challenge and I've done some nail art inspired by a movie that is sure to be...
By Unknown 21.9.14 31DC2014 brown china glaze deborah lippmann flakie freehand gold nail art Louis Vuitton Pattern Freehand Nail Art Today is "inspired by a color" day in the 31 Day Challenge . I always take this prompt to mean "take inspiration from a polis...
By Unknown 5.9.14 31DC2014 blue chevrons cirque deborah lippmann drips essie favorite freehand gold lvx matte metallic nail art priti nyc zoya Blue Dripping Chevron Nail Art Blue! More inspirational to me than green was yesterday. I've painted some dripping chevron nail art, inspired by a pattern I saw on Pin...