By Unknown 27.1.16 abstract formula x for sephora grey linework lvx red Mid Century Modern Nail Art Hello friends! It's been a while since I posted here (thanks to everyone that reached out to make sure I was ok), but I'm back with...
By Unknown 4.11.15 blue contrary polish flakies grey indie polish jelly shimmer white The Contrary Polish Wintry Weather Collection These swatches are long overdue, but as we're headed back into winter anyway, I figured now would be a great time to share this seasona...
By Unknown 16.9.15 31DC2015 deborah lippmann freehand geometric gradient grey nail art purple red Flower of Life Sacred Geometry Nail Art Today's challenge prompt is geometric. I wanted to attempt some sacred geometry, and a quick Google search revealed that I would probabl...
By Unknown 3.9.15 31DC2015 akzentz favorite freehand gel grey nail art presto gel yellow Emoji Pattern Nail Art It's "yellow" day in the 31 Day Challenge , and I've decided to do some nail art showcasing everyone's favorite textin...
By Unknown 25.7.15 floral flowers freehand grey matte nail art obsessive compulsive cosmetics orange pink purple shimmer Floral Bouquet Accent Nail with OCC Cosplay Nail Lacquers Way back in the day, when I was first getting into nails, Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics held a sale. I think they were changing their bottl...
By Unknown 19.7.15 decals grey nail pop studs water decals Nail Pop x Skelanimals Decals Have you visited Nail Pop lately? They've got some awesome new decal designs, including some that may make you seriously nostalgic for ...
By Unknown 14.7.15 contrary polish grey holographic indie polish purple Contrary Polish's When In Rome from the August "A Box, Indied" Readers, meet Contrary Polish 's first ever linear holographic nail polish! Yes, it's true... The brand best known for its gorgeous ...
By Unknown 22.3.15 freehand geometric grey nail art opi silver Embrace the Grey with This Geometric Necktie Patterned Nail Art Despite the fact that I haven't seen or read 50 Shades of Grey , I think we all know the basic gist of the story. OPI's 50 Shades c...
By Unknown 20.2.15 favorite freehand geometric grey lvx nail art purple Plum and Honey, with a Pattern Pictorial Japanese nail art is so inspiring to me. Lately, I've been seeing a lot of honeycomb shapes with extremely fine lines, and I wanted to g...
By Unknown 28.10.14 china glaze christmas chrome favorite freehand grey lace nail art plaid red silver Flannel and Lace - China Glaze Twinkle Collection Nail Art Tough, rugged flannel meets soft and sweet lace! Though I know it's not even Halloween yet, this manicure feels perfect for winter. The ...
By Unknown 24.10.14 animal print black formula x for sephora freehand grey nail art opi white Giant Leopard Moth Inspired Nail Art As a person with a desk job, I often find myself browsing Reddit on my breaks for sweet photos, interesting news and makeup inspiration. Rec...
By Unknown 22.10.14 black deborah lippmann favorite floral formula x for sephora freehand green grey halloween lvx nail art orly Black Blooms Floral Nail Art Though this design isn't explicitly Halloween, it is pretty morbid/somber and definitely seasonally appropriate. These black roses are a...
By Unknown 17.10.14 blue burgundy cirque cirque colors creme essie grey indie polish matte Cirque Colors Metropolis Collection Swatches: September and October (Glossy & Matte) Cirque's newest offering is their Metropolis collection: a series of creme nail polishes inspired by New York City. There are new polis...
By Unknown 11.10.14 freehand grey herringbone lvx nail art pink purple Grey Herringbone Nail Art After posting my first metallic herringbone nail art, I felt compelled to do another herringbone pattern! This time, I wanted to do my lines...
By Unknown 27.9.14 31DC2014 american apparel artwork black brush strokes favorite freehand grey opi polish my life pop culture red streaky watercolor white Nail Art Is Dead - Barbara Kruger Inspired Nail Art This year, for "inspired by artwork" day of the 31 Day Challenge , I tackled an idea that I've contemplated in the past. My na...