By Unknown 16.3.16 dripping nail art opi review swatches OPI New Orleans Collection and the Juiciest Watermelon I always anticipate OPI's spring and summer collections, because it always means bright, bold, and different. If you're like me, the...
By Unknown 15.1.16 glitter half moon holiday collection opi review swatches OPI Starlight Collection Swatches with a Melting Moon Manicure OPI has two fabulous new collections coming in (the Hello Kitty collection and the New Orleans collection), but my favorite 2015 release mig...
By Unknown 27.11.15 french manicure half moon nail art opi Pumpkin Moons I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving dinners and that you have some stretchy pants in your closet for the rest of the year. I'm curr...
By Unknown 16.9.15 clients nail files gel grateful dead nail art opi Clients' Nail Files - Grateful Dead for Monica I don't often share nail art I've done for clients here on the blog, but my client Monica and I were so happy with these little trib...
By Unknown 6.9.15 31DC2015 dots floral flowers indie polish lvx nail art opi polish my life purple Orchid Petals Inspired Nail Art It’s “violet” day in the 31 Day Challenge ! I decided to do nail art inspired by some gorgeous orchids that I spotted in our local grocery s...
By Unknown 2.9.15 blue gel gelcolor gelish opi orange plaid stripes wildflower's nail shop Autumnal Orange Plaid Gel Nail Art Today's 31DC prompt is "orange." Not many people tend to reach for orange when choosing a nail color -- I think that it and y...
By Unknown 28.8.15 nail art opi review swatches tribal OPI Venice Collection and Italian Tribal If you follow me on Instagram , last night you got a super blurry, tantalizingly taunting sneak peek of today's post. I'm really ex...