By Unknown 4.11.15 blue contrary polish flakies grey indie polish jelly shimmer white The Contrary Polish Wintry Weather Collection These swatches are long overdue, but as we're headed back into winter anyway, I figured now would be a great time to share this seasona...
By Unknown 15.9.15 31DC2015 china glaze favorite floral flowers freehand indie polish lvx nail art polish my life purple Lavender Blossoms Floral Nail Art Delicate print is always a challenging day in the 31DC , because it's fairly vague yet still specific at the same time. I wasn't sur...
By Unknown 11.9.15 31DC2015 dots favorite freehand girly bits indie polish nail art rainbow Trippy Mickeys Nail Art It's "polka dot" day in the 31 Day Challenge and I'm pushing the boundaries of the prompt a bit! That is, I used polka d...
By Unknown 10.9.15 31DC2015 essie freehand gradient indie polish kbshimmer matte metallic nail art polish my life rose gold sponging Rose Gold Ikat Patterned Nails Today's 31 Day Challenge prompt really stumped me. It's "gradient," which seemed to trip me up with its simplicity! I did...
By Unknown 6.9.15 31DC2015 dots floral flowers indie polish lvx nail art opi polish my life purple Orchid Petals Inspired Nail Art It’s “violet” day in the 31 Day Challenge ! I decided to do nail art inspired by some gorgeous orchids that I spotted in our local grocery s...
By Unknown 2.9.15 glow in the dark indie polish rainbow serum no. 5 shimmer Serum No. 5's Shimmery Glow-in-the-Dark Nail Polishes for Spring/Summer 2015 Serum No. 5 is back again with some gorgeous rainbow-y glow in the dark shimmers for summer. I'm a bit late in posting these, but I kno...
By Unknown 14.7.15 contrary polish grey holographic indie polish purple Contrary Polish's When In Rome from the August "A Box, Indied" Readers, meet Contrary Polish 's first ever linear holographic nail polish! Yes, it's true... The brand best known for its gorgeous ...
By Unknown 3.5.15 blue colors by llarowe gel gelish indie polish kbshimmer peach piCture pOlish rockstar stamping uberchic beauty Mani Mania: UberChic Beauty Stamping Plates Review piCture pOlish Forget Me Not stamped with plate 1-02 Despite not being much of a nail art stamper, I've been playing around with UberChi...
By Unknown 28.2.15 favorite freehand gradient green holographic indie polish kbshimmer linework nail art purple sponging tribal white Is It Spring Yet? This Linework Nail Art Seems to Think So! Spring is a lovely time, isn't it? I think it may be my favorite season. Besides the gorgeous temperatures and blooming flora, spring br...
By Unknown 12.2.15 glow in the dark indie polish neon rainbow serum no. 5 Neon Glow In the Dark Nail Polish by Serum No. 5 Here's a combination of words that's sure to get you excited... Neon. Glow in the dark. Nail polish. Serum No. 5 has you covered on ...